ELE/ELH Spanish Teacher Training & Workshops

Join a workshop, gain resources, strategies and new ideas for your in-person or virtual Spanish classroom

Welcome to our Spanish Teachers workshop page for instructors and language providers of Spanish as a foreign language (ELE) and as a heritage language (ELH).

In our trainings..

  • Techniques for positive student-teacher interactions and engagement
  • Support for language providers as they face challenges in online or in-person language teaching
  • Development of materials suitable for comprehensible language input
  • Strategies for repetitive language exposure through varying activities
  • Clear, thematic approach to reach relevant language goals


In addition to the Zoom meetings, we will have a dedicated instructor resource page, where participants will have access to;

  • The recorded zoom sessions for each modulo, which will be available to instructors up until 30 days after the workshop

Music Resources..

o Songs from Colors of Spanish, downloadable .mp3 that can be freely used in instructor’s classes.

o Links to other songs, from streaming services such as Spotify, iTunes which serve as example material that can be used according to their licenses.

Materials & Recommendations based on the example themes that we are presenting in the course..

  • YouTube videos
  • Links to books
  • Other resources developed by Colors of Spanish, appropriate to the material; including poems, slides, rhymes, etc

Are you looking for educational resources for use in your in-person or virtual classes?

Since 2004 Colors of Spanish has specialized in the instruction of Spanish as a foreign (ELE) and heritage (ELH) language to those families living in a multi-cultural country, whose objective is to raise bilingual children. Our program also provides educational resources to those language instructors providing ELE & ELH to early childhood language learners; as well as, librarians, class assistants and national organizations that support a multi-lingual community.

Come join the fun! Leave with fresh strategies & resources

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Music by Colors of Spanish - Verano Vol I

Verano - Vol I (Music CD)

Verano - Vol I (Music CD)


Purchase our CD

“Acabo de terminar mi primera clase con temática de otoño ¡¡y no tienes idea lo mucho que me ayudó tu curso!! Apliqué todo 😂 “baila el chipi chipi, el carnavalito, el sóplame con la hoja, la canción de las hojitas, le regalamos bellotas a la ardilla como premios, un poco del poema de las vocales, etc, etc. ¡Tu curso me cayó del cielo! ❤️❤️❤️”

Angela Letelier, aka #ukelecanta


Tools for our bilingual worlds

Support Colors of Spanish when you buy wonderful books!

If you have considered to purchase any books directly from Barefoot Books, or Cinco Books, please consider using the following links. For Cinco Books, use the code COLORS at checkout in order to receive a discount. Purchasing through either of these links allows us the possibility of offering additional scholarships to families so that we can best integrate all families that are looking to increase their Spanish exposure.