2021 Holiday Gift Giving Guide

Are you looking for meaningful Holiday gifts that can have a significant impact in the lives of your children or grandchildren?

Learning a second language today is not a luxury, it is a key piece in today’s multi-cultural world and can open a wealth of opportunities on a global level. Spanish is the fourth most spoken language in the world and the second in the United States.. and is the dominant language throughout the Western Hemisphere.

Our Program for children 0-10 years and their families and schools, offers immersive and interactive classes, Spanish Story Times, workshops for teachers and resources in Spanish for families that are raising bilingual children.

Giving the Gift of Bilingual | Spanish fluency starts this Holiday!

Are you looking for meaningful Holiday gifts that can have a significant impact in the lives of your children or grandchildren?


Learning a second language today is not a luxury, it is a key piece in today’s multi-cultural world and can open a wealth of opportunities on a global level. Spanish is the fourth most spoken language in the world and the second in the United States.. and is the dominant language throughout the Western Hemisphere.


The benefits are many and starting in Early Childhood has been show to improve school performance, memory capacity, problem solving and critical thinking skills, as well as achieving greater fluency in the language.


Don’t delay – start your family’s bilingual journey today!


We offer a very accessible Monthly Membership for children 3 – 8 years, private classes, intermediate conversation programs, Summer Spanish Immersion as well as a CD – Verano I with engaging songs for your whole family.


  • Weekly Video class
  • Resource Materials; songs, videos & more

MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION: With your membership to the Colors of Spanish community, your family will have access to a weekly class video published each Monday, following the curriculum that we are presenting in our in-person school-based programs. Access and enjoy our program according to your family’s schedule!

Your COS membership includes:

  • Access to a weekly class video published each Monday, as well as the previous weekly videos within the current topic
  • Discounts on our class offerings, including private and group classes
  • Resources to promote Music & Movement at home, including;
    • Access to music from Colors of Spanish
    • Links to videos relevant to the material
    • Spanish language games incorporating the objectives of the curriculum, occasional art projects and more!

Haz clic en los siguientes iconos para ver los catálogos de estas organizaciones fantasticas! >>

Support Colors of Spanish when you buy wonderful books!

If you have considered to purchase any books directly from Barefoot Books, or Cinco Books, please consider using the following links. For Cinco Books, use the code COLORS at checkout in order to receive a discount. Purchasing through either of these links allows us the possibility of offering additional scholarships to families so that we can best integrate all families that are looking to increase their Spanish exposure.

Cuentos con Ritmo

Early Childhood Spanish Story Time with Music & Movement

For children 1-5 years with adult & family

  • Find us throughout the Bay Area
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My daughter had such a great time this morning. She absolutely loved your class. We’re signing up for the entire summer!!

Mother of S.

We are very grateful to be able to attend the camp online. The instructor’s energy is so fun and amazing and it is very creative what you are doing within Zoom! Having the lyrics is great so my daughter and I can start singing the songs together. Music is such a good way to get the language incorporated. Good for me to learn too😊


Mother of E.

I know both kids are enjoying the time with you all! I’m so happy you have continued your program in this manner so that kids can still get the wonderful exposure you provide.


Mother of M & H

Preschools where you can find us!